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            Product Listing

          ICRG Researchers Dataset (Corporate)$695.00

          See description under "ICRG Researchers Dataset (Academic).

          International Country Risk Guide (Online)$4,595.00

          One of the world’s best commercial sources of country risk analysis and ratings. Updated monthly, ICRG monitors 140 countries, and each issue provides financial, political, and economic risk information and forecasts. ICRG’s extensive statistical tables assign values to the 22 indicators underlying ICRG’s business-oriented model for quantifying risk, examining such country-specific elements as currency risk, political leadership, the military and religion in politics, and corruption. Price listed is for one-user license. Please call +1 315 431 0511 for information on additional users.

          PRS World Service & Country Reports (Online)$7,250.00

          Complete updated access to Political Risk Services’ full coverage of 100 countries. For each country, World Service Online provides 18-month and Five-year risk ratings and forecasts, key macroeconomic forecasts, 10 years of historical data, extensive textual analysis of risk to business and complete background information. All prices listed are for one-user licenses. Please call +1 315 431 0511 for information on additional users. Use the first button below to order World Service, or you may purchase immediate online access to one or more Country Reports ($199 each), or one or more Regional Services ($1,995 each).



          ICRG Researchers Dataset (Academic)$348.00

          The ICRG Researchers Dataset provides annual averages of the subcomponents of the Political Risk Ratings (Table 3B). Average ratings are provided for all countries covered by ICRG from 1984 through 2004. Single user. Available only by e-mail.

          PRS World Service (CD-ROM)$7,250.00

          As described under PRS World Service & Country Reports (Online), except that only the WS is available on CD-ROM, which includes 100 Country Reports in PDF format and is updated monthly. Shipping/handling fees and NY or Canada taxes apply.

          PRS World Service & Country Reports (Print)$7,250.00

          As described under PRS World Service & Country Reports (Online), except this version is published in looseleaf binders that are updated monthly. Use the first button below to order the print version of World Service ($7250), Regional Services ($1995 each), or Country Reports ($199 each). All prices subject to shipping/handling & appropriate taxes.



          International Country Risk Guide (CD-ROM)$4,595.00

          As described under International Country Risk Guide (Online), except the publication is delivered on CD-ROM monthly. Shipping/handling and appropriate taxes apply.

          International Country Risk Guide (Print)$3,995.00

          As described under International Country Risk Guide (Online), except that this version is a monthly 250-page journal. Shipping/handling and appropriate taxes apply.

          The Country Spider (Print)$49.00

          The Country Spider helps you untangle the web of sources available for country research. At your fingertips, you will find links to academic and non-government resources, international news agencies, regional associations, political sites, international agencies, sources of risk data, government sources in 145 countries and much, much more. Also available in PDF format.

          Country Chronologies (Print)$69.00

          Country Chronologies is the perfect starting point for any country research product. For 100 countries, Country Chronologies gives an historical timeline of significant political, social and other noteworthy events. One perfect-bound volume, 458 pages.

          The Country Spider (PDF)$29.00

          As described under The Country Spider (Print), except the PDF version is delivered via e-mail.

          ICRG Tables Subscription$1,995.00

          Receive the ICRG Ratings tables each month in electronic format—either diskette or email. All tables come in Microsoft Excel format to be easily imported into your application.

          A Business Guide to Political Risk for International Decisions$50.00

          This 60-page reference thoroughly explains the company’s two risk methodologies: Political Risk Services and International Country Risk Guide (ICRG), including definitions of variables and explanations of ratings formulas, as well as the details of how users can customize ratings for their own unique industrial sectors. Shipping/handling fees and apppropriate taxes also apply.

          Political Risk Letter$455.00

          A monthly newsletter that summarizes the latest PRS forecasts for economic and political changes affecting international business, as well as including, in each issue, the Political and Economic Forecasts Table, which includes 18-month and five-year forecasts for turmoil, investment, transfer, and export risk in all 100 countries and forecasts of real GDP growth, inflation and current account. Price includes delivery, but appropriate taxes will be added.

          Country Forecasts$750.00

          Published semiannually (in April and October), this is a 450-page perfect-bound volume providing a four-page summary of forecasts and data for each of the 100 countries monitored by Political Risk Services. Each volume also includes extensive statistical and ranking tables with PRS forecasts and macroeconomic data. Price covers a one-year subscription, including two volumes. Shipping/handling fees and appropriate taxes also apply.

          Political Risk Assessment: Concept, Method and Management $98.00

          A one-volume, perfect-bound book that provides case-studies and real-life business applications of country and political risk theory. Edited by Dr. Llewellyn Howell, a noted expert in the field of country risk analysis. This volume is the perfect companion to the Handbook of Country and Political Risk Analysis. (call for academic pricing)

          Political Risk Yearbook (CD-ROM)$1,795.00

          As described under Political Risk Yearbook (Print), except that this version arrives on a single CD-ROM. Shipping/handling fees and appropriate taxes also apply. (SPECIAL NOTE: The Yearbook is also available for campus-wide online access, either in PDF or in HTML, but must be arranged by sending an e-mail to PRS at [email protected] or by telephone at +1-315-431-0511.)

          Political Risk Yearbook (Print)$1,795.00

          Includes full Political Risk Services’ Country Reports for 100 countries. Fully updated in December of every year and published in January. This is the print version, which includes 8 perfect-bound volumes. Shipping/handling fees and appropriate taxes also apply. (See separate listing for CD-ROM and online versions.)

          The Handbook of Country and Political Risk Analysis$148.00

          Popular university textbook presenting and commenting on the 12 key commercial risk assessment methodologies. Edited by Llewellyn Howell, Ph.D., a leading expert on country risk analysis. (Send an e-mail to [email protected] or call PRS at +1-315-431-0511 for academic and bookstore pricing).

          International Country Risk Guide Annual$1,895.00

          Published annually in September, the ICRG Annual compiles all analyses for 140 countries published in the monthly ICRG during the previous 12 months, as well as providing one full volume of its world-renowned statistical data and ratings. The full set includes seven perfect-bound volumes. Shipping/handling fees and appropriate taxes also apply.

          Risk Ratings of Mining Companies in 116 Countries$199.00

          This special one-volume report was produced by PRS in conjunction with Raw Materials Group of Sweden. It examines and forecasts the country risk faced by the largest mining companies in the world and the risk of doing business in the 116 most important countries to the mining industry.